
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Media Studies Preliminary Task Evaluation

I feel that we did well getting steady shots in the in the shoot. I also feel that we used continuity editing very well and the shooting material was appropriate was appropriate to the task set. I think that the editing was done successfully as the meaning of the task is easily apparent to the viewer. Also, we used match on action shots and shot reverse shots very effectively.

We managed to get very steady shots by using a tripod. We used the tripod for the majority of the shots and it keeps the camera very steady. We kept the continuity by assuring that only certain props were used and were in the shots when appropriate. We also assured that the actors costumes didn’t change throughout the shots. The shooting material was appropriate as we assured that all of the props used were relevant to the shoot and it made sense that they were in the shot. The editing makes the meaning of the task apparent to the viewer because it is simple and is very easy to follow. The match on action shots and shot reverse shots were planned in advance and we knew when we going to put them in. We did several cuts for the match on action shots so we could match the shots together as perfectly as possible.

We didn’t get a variety of shot transitions and no effects were used. We could have edited them in but we feel that we couldn’t find any appropriate times to use them.  We found shot distancing slightly difficult at times. The setting we used for filming was very small so it was very difficult to get a variety of shot distances. Next time we could use a larger space for the setting so it is easier to get a variety of shot distances. Also, we didn’t get use titles for the task as we felt that they wouldn’t be appropriate for the task.

I learned that we should allow for different shot transitions and effects in the shoot. It would allow for more variety in the film and would make the film a lot more interesting and would show our editing skills more. I also learned that we should use bigger setting when appropriate so we can use a wider variety of shot distances. I learned that titles are necessary to give the viewer an idea of what the film is about.

Next time we film a task we will use a larger setting so we can get different shot distances, like long shots and close ups, to improve the variety of the film. Also, I will use titles and more transitions and effects in the film. It would add more of a variety to the film and would make it more interesting. The titles would give the viewer and idea of what the film is about and who was involved in the film.

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