
Thursday 14 February 2013

Who would be the audience for your media product?

We identified our audience as people aged from 12 and upwards. The film will be certificate 12 because it does not contain much violence or any sexual content, but it is too dark to be anything less. The product will not contain any discriminatory language or behaviour as that would make the film a 15. Drug use will not be shown in the product and any psychological horror will be infrequent and disturbing sequences will not last for long. Any use of strong language will be infrequent and not very strong. Mainly the film will be aimed at a male audience.


To identify our target audience we produced questionnaires. We asked peoples ages and what their favourite thriller film is. We also asked them what kind of thrillers they liked, such as psychological or crime thrillers. We then asked what they expected to see in the opening of a thriller and what rating they would have expected a thriller to be. We handed them out to people of all different ages and genders and looked at their responses. The majority of people who liked thrillers were male. Most of our research was aimed at young adults because we had the most access to them.


Most of the people we asked enjoyed slow paced thrillers that involved some action, like Shutter Island. They said that they expected there to be a twist and for the main character to be very mysterious. The slow pace of the opening should add tension and mystery to the opening of the thriller without revealing too much about any of the characters. No big action will happen in the opening as that is not what the audience want. The audience expected the thriller to open very mysteriously and not reveal too much about the characters involved in the film.
The main audience for our opening would be a male teenager or young adult. They would generally be very involved with the internet and would be regular users of the internet. They would also be interested in films and would take a lot of interest in similar films. They would generally spend a lot of time using other media products, such as mobile phones and the television. They would generally spend a lot of time watching thrillers and various other films.

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